This season at Isharya, they started by asking a simple question: “How can jewels evoke joy?” To answer this inquiry, they melded some of the most-loved classics with candy brights and designs that will raise your spirits for the holiday season. The result is a line-up of confident, colourful jewels, and unabashedly maximalist. An outlet for opulence and self-expression, our latest collection Poppin ‘embodies a nostalgic, cheerful spirit where jewels are loud, proud, bright, and bold. From Rani pink that will remind one of bougainvillea trees to zesty parakeets and aqua, this collection is an ode to welcoming back glamour into our lives.
There’s a sense of escapism in the colours. Rain pink, for instance, stands for exotic locations while creating whimsy. On the other hand, parakeet green creates a desire for new, fresh beginnings. Elsewhere, one will find electric blues embodying positivity and upliftment. These vivacious hues come to life with a fusion of icy CZ crystals, Isharya’s polki-cut mirrors, and our signature colour plating. Each creation is a great pick-me-up, and it’s not something one has to wait to go to a party to wear – it’s something you can wear to make yourself feel great on any day!

Isharya (Reliable Fashions India Private Limited) is a modern-day Indian brand that started as a fateful encounter with breathtaking jewelry and turned into an epic, lifelong affair. Isharya is a thought; it’s a feeling; but most all, it’s a labor of love. We spend countless hours perfecting our productsleaving no details to chance because we believe good design and quality craftsmanship should be accessible to all.
Date 20-11-2022