Dolly Devi

Dolly Devi

The Photographer
One quick scroll through Dolly Haorambam, aka Dolly Devi’s Instagram is enough to make one realise that the fashion photographer has a penchant for capturing quirky forms and shapes. Her lens also intriguingly captures people and landscapes, lending them a sense of tranquility despite what may be going on in the background. The subject becomes the sole focus of the scene and her gaze captures all their idiosyncrasies. The visual narrative the photographer builds evokes emotions and a need to know more about what’s going on in the frame.

Dolly Devi

The Photography
I studied fashion design and photography as a hobby for many years before it organically turned into a career option after a three years stint in design. I don’t like to over-plan my shoots, I prefer keeping an open mind from start to end and just follow my intuition. I spend a lot of time post-processing and I like working with a small efficient team. I start with an idea and keep deconstructing it, or adding to it. Sometimes, if the subject is interesting, I leave it impromptu. I am not fixated on one process, I like to learn as I go.

Dolly Devi

The Inspiration
A lot of my influences come from music and movies that I consume. I think every music/movie movement has had a counterpart fashion trend. It’s still happening and we are all a part of a very small fraction of history. Also Film photography. I have been in and out of it for a long time and have finally decided to invest wholeheartedly. I have started to appreciate the process of slowing down, especially when it coincided with me moving to Goa and thereafter 2020.

To The Viewer
I haven’t quite thought hard about it but it would make me happy if people can understand my work without me having to depend on long captions. I think photos that are self explanatory are cool.

Dolly Devi

The Future
I just want to focus on a lot more personal work, some video and I am looking forward to working with more commercial clients who are open to film as a medium. I am working on a home studio set up now. I have been exploring a more tactile approach to photos with collage and photo painting. 


Text Unnati Saini
Date 04-02-2021